ROAM FINS - Edouard Delpero Classic Fin
ROAM FINS - Edouard Delpero Classic Fin
Edouard Delpero Classic Fin
• Foil: 50/50
• Base: Standard Longboard
• Solid Fibreglass
This is a large fin designed to secure the tail to allow long nose rides. However, unlike a pivot or keel fin, it has a raked template allowing a turning arc.
Edouard’s classic style combines trim and positioning with big wrapping turns. We developed this fin with Edouard with a large size for securing the tail on a soft railed single fin, a wide base for drive and a long rake with medium tip, to allow him to set the rail and carve.
This fin works in any noserider longboard offering a wider range of surfing style than a more traditional pivot or keel fin.
Ideal board:
Edouard Delpero Classic Minvielle x Torq
Or any classic longboard.
Ideal conditions:
From knee high waves headhigh